What if gardening could be easier, healthier, and more joyful every day? The Healthy Garden—Simple steps for a greener world supplies the confidence and skills needed to grow a resilient garden that has the power to transform the garden, the gardener, and the greater landscape.

Award-winning authors Kathleen Norris Brenzel and Mary-Kate Mackey have teamed up with horticultural experts from across the country to take the gardening experience to the next level. Together, they offer time-saving strategies, insightful inspiration, and big-picture ideas to create a thriving garden space.

This book shows how to create a garden that is:

Easier: Design a more sustainable, healthy, and easy-care garden.

Healthier: Enhance well-being for both body and soul.

Better for the Planet: Create a place with a positive impact on the greater natural world.

Whether gardening activities consist of tending a couple of containers, or acres of raised beds, or a community plot, The Healthy Garden issues the invitation to join in this gathering of knowledgeable gardeners. It’s as if everyone can sit down, share a lemonade in a shaded spot, and talk plants. Welcome home.